Sunday, September 23, 2012

Happy Birthday to My Dearest Bestie!!!

- BFF for The Entire Life -

Assalamualaikum and hello peeps!!!! Today is the birthday of my Supa Dupa Gorgeous BFF, Prisyela Kaling! Sweet TwenTEEN Eight my darl... (may you and I maintain TEEN forever, hahaa!!!! ;-*). May God bless you on your special day today and for your whole best year... It's sooooo special to have a bestie like you and how glad I am to be your bestie too... I LOVE YOU DEAR!!!! May all your wish come true this year (sila tiup lilin kek di bawah... hehehehe)

I made this cake especially for YOU!!!

P/S: Aku buat kek kt atas ni untuk kau tapi aku terpaksa makan sendiri sebab kau jauh... ;p hahaa!!!! (jangan marah ar, lawak birthday jaaa....) Anyway, have a lovely birthday today my dear!!! Especially for you i dedicate this song (my all-time fave song!) with a meaningful lyric, just like how meaningful you are in my life.... XOXO Mmmmmmuahhhh!!!! ;-*

Monday, September 10, 2012

Good Luck to All UPSR Candidates!!!!

Assalamualaikum and hello peeps!!! Today is the 1st day of UPSR! Eventhough my baby, Ilmi, is just turning 2 years old (still a long journey to take the exams, hehe) but I'm a lil' excited and quite thrill coz my 1st nephew, Adam Zareff, is sitting for the exams today. Base on what I knew, today's exam papers are B. Melayu (Comprehension and Composition) and Maths (aisey, soooo easy laaa, hahaa!!!). So, to all UPSR candidates, good luck ya'll! Especially to Adam Zareff, Ucu wishing you a best of luck, hope you are well-prepared, don't be panic or nervous, don't forget to recite prayers, Bismillah and selawat before you start answering your papers, answer all the questions wisely and on time. Although your Dad (in Vietnam), Tok Mak, Tok Ayah, Ucu + family, Mak Ngah + family and Pak Uda + family (all in JB) are far from you but our prayers for your success will always be with you. All of us believe that you can do it, InsyaAllah. BEST OF LUCK ADAM ZAREFF!!! ;-*

My Mom's and Dad's grandchildren. The highlighted one is Adam Zareff!

P/S: When is the Science paper ha? My all-time favorite subject. Feels like I wanna take the Science exams again, again, and again. Snap my fingers and I'm pretty sure that I'll score! (wah, berlagaknyerrrr... hahaa!!! ;p)

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Happy Birthday to My Dearest Baby Princess!!!!

Assalamualaikum and hello peeps.... My dearest baby princess, Nur Ilmi Amalia is turning to 2 years old today... 6th September, yeay!!! Happy Birthday my Ilmi!!!! Pukul 2.34 p.m tadi genaplah 2 tahun umur puteri kesayanganku yang super-aktif ini, hahaa!!!! Alhamdulillah, aku memanjatkan kesyukuran ke hadrat Ilahi atas anugerahNya yang tak ternilai dikurniakan kepadaku ini. Aku berdoa semoga Nur Ilmi Amalia dipanjangkan umurnya, dimurahkan rezekinya, diberi kesihatan yang baik, jadi anak yang solehah kebanggaan Mama & Papa serta dilindungi Allah sentiasa... Amin... Mama dan Papa sentiasa mendoakan segala yang terbaik untuk puteri kesayangan Mama & Papa ni... We love you soooooo much baby... Mmmmmmuaahhhhh!!! ;-*

Teristimewa sempena hari lahir puteri kesayanganku, aku uploadkan videonya pada entry kali ni. Aku upload banyak, tapi cuma satu ni je yg sangkut. Firefox buat hal... huhu... Pape pun aku harap korang terhibur ye... hehe

Ilmi 1st time naik swing at playground... Excited habisss!!! hahaa!!!

P/S: Happy 2nd Birthday aku ucapkan jugak kepada kembar hari Ilmi, Danish Yusuf (kalau silap spelling nama sori ye... hehe). Aunty Zai doakan semoga Danish dipanjangkan umur, dimurahkan rezeki, diberi kesihatan yang baik, jadi anak yang soleh serta dilindungi Allah sentiasa... Amin...