Monday, September 10, 2012

Good Luck to All UPSR Candidates!!!!

Assalamualaikum and hello peeps!!! Today is the 1st day of UPSR! Eventhough my baby, Ilmi, is just turning 2 years old (still a long journey to take the exams, hehe) but I'm a lil' excited and quite thrill coz my 1st nephew, Adam Zareff, is sitting for the exams today. Base on what I knew, today's exam papers are B. Melayu (Comprehension and Composition) and Maths (aisey, soooo easy laaa, hahaa!!!). So, to all UPSR candidates, good luck ya'll! Especially to Adam Zareff, Ucu wishing you a best of luck, hope you are well-prepared, don't be panic or nervous, don't forget to recite prayers, Bismillah and selawat before you start answering your papers, answer all the questions wisely and on time. Although your Dad (in Vietnam), Tok Mak, Tok Ayah, Ucu + family, Mak Ngah + family and Pak Uda + family (all in JB) are far from you but our prayers for your success will always be with you. All of us believe that you can do it, InsyaAllah. BEST OF LUCK ADAM ZAREFF!!! ;-*

My Mom's and Dad's grandchildren. The highlighted one is Adam Zareff!

P/S: When is the Science paper ha? My all-time favorite subject. Feels like I wanna take the Science exams again, again, and again. Snap my fingers and I'm pretty sure that I'll score! (wah, berlagaknyerrrr... hahaa!!! ;p)


  1. fav paper dlu BI n dreaded paper pulak History..wahkakaka XD

    1. ooops UPSR mn ada sejarah..hahaha tukar2..BM..kikiki XD
